Thursday, July 05, 2007

Benoit Death: Twists in Tragedy

This story was cable news’ dream. Every ingredient was present. Homicide, suicide, drug utilization, drug abuse, steroids, professional wrestling, domestic disturbance, domestic violence, sketchy characters, a shady organization, and shaky public relations. Continually, the story devolved. My friend described the phenomena perfectly. Every moment you believed was the bottom, was a trap door.

On June 23 and 24, Chris Benoit missed events. On June 25, Benoit, his wife and son were discovered dead. On Monday evening, Vince McMahon announced the tragedy. According to police, Benoit murdered his wife and son. He then committed suicide.

During his career, Benoit garnered twenty individual and five tag team championships. He captured the World Heavyweight Championship (WCW and WWE) twice. He also accrued four Intercontinental championships, three United States Heavyweight championships, and three World Television championships.

Drugs and wrestling are intertwined. Wrestlers consume pre-match stimulants, post-match depressants, workout supplements, and entertainment enhancements. A wrestler’s existence is intoxicated. Unsurprisingly, Benoit’s murder scene included steroids.

Obviously, the WWE is culpable. Their concerns are audience, pay per view purchases, and profits. Allegedly, the WWE has a drug testing policy. However, wrestlers are not rehabilitated or suspended. The WWE obfuscates and ignores. They continue booking. Continual wrestler’s absences would harm revenue.

Herein, McMahon is the villain. McMahon is antagonistic, bellicose, and combative. He has transgressed both decency and society. Following Owen Hart’s catastrophic death, a pay per view continued. Following September 11, a television event was not cancelled. McMahon is imaginative and ignorant. He cheers his entertainment. He ignores his devoured.

Since 1984, eighteen prominent wrestlers have died. Since 1997, sixty (younger than forty-five) have died. Dino Bravo (1993) was murdered. The Big Boss Man (2004) died of a heart attack. Bruiser Brody (1988) was stabbed. Eddie Guerrero (2005) suffered a heart attack. Miss Elizabeth (2003) overdosed. Brian Pillman (1997) abused prescription drugs. Rick Rude (1999) died of a heart attack. The British Bulldog (2002) suffered a heart attack. Yokozuna (2000) was also a heart attack. Additionally, three Von Erich brothers (David, Kerry, and Mike) prematurely succumbed.

Fourteen hours prior to discovery, Wikipedia noted Nancy Benoit’s death. The citation was a cruel hoax. Unfortunately, this bizarre tragedy was not.


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