Thursday, July 05, 2007


Stop fucking the party.

Three vetoes. President Bush has never vetoed a spending appropriation. He has vetoed stem cell research… twice. Upon his reelection, social security, tax, and tort reform were promised. Instead, gay marriage was debated. Why?

Conservatives’ value is minute. Unfortunately, President Bush cherishes them. They screamed pardon Scooter Libby. President Bush acquiesced. Essentially, he prostituted himself. He did not court the twenty-four carat female. President Bush cuddled the town tramp.

Once, Karl Rove championed a permanent Republican majority. He has failed. Majority occurs only via expansion. Rove has contracted Republicans. He has alienated and ostracized potential converts. Simply stated, he has castrated his party.

I admired President Bush. I aided his reelection. I am angry with him. Why? He has stained Republicans. He has crippled 2008. Undecided voters recognize cronyism. They recognize patronage. This pardon cost us votes.

Mr. President, your action was disastrous. Your second term has been infuriating. On Republican’s behalf, I implore you… stop!


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