Thursday, August 28, 2008


Abortion is acceptable.

This week, the Republican National Convention negotiated their platform. They advocated an anti-abortion constitutional amendment. Their rhetoric was rigid. Everyone ignores the platform. We will not. We will imagine importance. Republicans are ridiculous. Their argument is unwarranted. Why?

Abortion is complex. Democrats say pro-choice. Republicans smear pro-abortion. Neither are applicable. However, Republicans are repugnant. They demagogue. Murder? Abortion on demand? Seriously? No one prefers abortion. Doctors do not covet them. Mothers do not crave them. Personally, I abhor them. Yet, I am pragmatic. I consider individual circumstances.

I also consider politics. Politically, abortion is perfect. Conservatives should think. What are the ramifications? What if abortion vanished? Catholics and Evangelicals vote. They vote Republican. Economically, they are liberal. If abortion were illegal, Democrats would score them. Conservatives would lose.

Obviously, the aforesaid is controversial. The aforesaid is unpopular. Despite this, I am correct. If Republicans shut up, they will realize this.


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