Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Allow Me to Congratulate Myself

George Mitchell: “The impression I get is that it's had a significant impact of reducing usage, although that still remains very difficult to measure with any complete precision. Obviously as a human being, I regret and don't take pleasure in someone else's misfortune, whether I have any relationship to it or not. What we did was to try to meet the obligation which we'd undertaken, and we did so. Each player involved made his decision on how to respond.”

“I would be very doubtful that it [Major League Baseball] is completely clean in the sense nobody is using. You don't know whether this is a temporary response because of the attention it's gotten and whether over time it will begin to resume an increase. I think that's unlikely given the aggressive nature of the response, but it's something you have to be continuously concerned about. I think it's [The Mitchell Report] gone a long way toward turning the page on this issue and permitting baseball to move forward.”


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