Thursday, September 18, 2008

Family, Familiarity Infects Hills

Family is an inherent contradiction. They care. They complain. They assist. They meddle. They exalt. They excoriate. They offer advice. They mandate procedures. Family is both beneficial and exasperating. Unfortunately, they are also eternal.

On Monday, Holly and Lauren enjoyed lunch. They discussed relationships. Heidi and Lauren. Holly and Lauren. Heidi, Holly, and Lauren. Upon hearing this, Heidi was upset. She criticized Holly. She questioned her loyalty. I do not care. Lauren is the catastrophe. Stephanie and her are combustible. Heidi, Holly, and her would be a nightmare.

Subsequently, Audrina promoted a concert. She invited Justin, Lauren, Lo, and Stephanie. Lauren, Lo, and Stephanie attended. Why am I not surprised? As previously stated, Justin is disgusting and repugnant. He is selfish and unreliable. He is not a boyfriend.


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