Saturday, July 19, 2008


Americans vote.

McCain Spokesman Tucker Bounds: “This is nothing more than a campaign stop and a photo op for Barack Obama to highlight his candidacy for president. Everything about this trip indicates … it is about promoting his candidacy, and it has nothing to do with the security of the American people.”

Obama Spokesman Hari Sevugan: “It’s clear that the McCain campaign is getting nervous about being on the wrong side of the Iraq debate. First John McCain wanted Barack Obama to travel with him to Iraq and the campaign used the occasion to raise campaign cash. Now, his campaign is calling Senator Obama’s trip a ‘campaign rally overseas.”

Obviously, President of the United States is international. The President must address diplomats. He must negotiate peace. He must travel. However, candidates must campaign. Only Americans are eligible voters.

Americans are suffering. Food is costlier. Gas and oil are soaring. Floridians, Georgians, Iowans, Ohioans, and Pennsylvanians merit attention. They require solutions. They warrant this campaign’s resources. Until President McCain or Obama are inaugurated, they should ignore foreign figureheads.


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