Monday, April 14, 2008

Surrogates Scorch Obama

Governor Tom Vilsack: “I found his remarks undercutting his message of hope … he suggests that somehow the faith of those who live in small towns is superficial. I think it’s difficult for a Democratic candidate to be successful in a general election if he misreads and misunderstands people who live in small communities.”

Senator Evan Bayh: “The far right wing has a very good track record of using things like this relentlessly against our candidate, whether it’s Al Gore or John Kerry. And I’m afraid this is the kind of fodder they might use to really harm him with.”

Harrisburg Mayor Steve Reed: “Frankly the remarks are condescending, they are negative, they are hurtful. I found it to be most revealing of what the candidate really thinks of us.”

McCain Spokesman Tucker Bounds: “Barack Obama’s elitism allows him to believe that the American traditions that have contributed to the identity and greatness of this country are actually just frustrations and bitterness.”


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