Friday, March 14, 2008

American Idol Live Blog

Kristy Leigh Cook (24 – Oregon)

Her backdrop is clashing. Red flames with a green top? Apocryphal. Her performance is lackluster. She is gorgeous. However, she is sans emotion. She is sans passion. She is navigating the song. She is not singing the song. Simon is correct. Vivacious girl. Vacant performance.

Joanne Borgella (25 – New Jersey)

Second consecutive hideous commencement. Her vocals are forced. She is oversinging. These candidates must realize… you cannot manufacture emotion. Her performance is wretched. Simon is correct. These contestants are floundering.

Alaina Whitaker (16 – Oklahoma)

Elegant opening. Her vocals are enchanting. Her transition is beautiful. Perfectly, she elevates without overshadowing. Her emotion is appropriate. She does not oversing. Her conclusion is rough. She forces the energy. Despite this, her performance is terrific.

Amanda Overmyer (23 – Indiana)

Bluntly, she scares me. Her mumbling commencement is ridiculous. Her vibrating and screeching is hideous. Three packs a day? Four? She continues mumbling. She is incoherent. Her performance is hideous. Randy, fly trousers? Amanda, ghetto ass. Simon was correct. She is not Janis Joplin. Simon, she is not authentic. She is frightening. Stay? Simon, she merits elimination.

Amy Davis (25 – Indiana)

Trade show model? Seriously? One hundred Christmases? One lucky dog? Lose the clichés. Her hair is miserable. “Where the Boys Are” is entrancing and soulful. Unfortunately, she is annoying and vacant. Warm milk would be preferable. Randy was correct. Bad, boring, and bland. Simon is also correct. Dull is the appropriate response.

Brooke White (24 – Arizona)

If I were her children, I would avoid home. She is ugly. Her commencement is pathetic. She sounds wounded. Her crackling voice is annoying. She is ruining this selection. Her emotion is false. Finally, she cracks a smile. Unfortunately, her passion has been nonexistent. She warrants elimination. Randy is correct. The selection started rough. The selection remained rough.

Alexandrea Lushington (17 – Georgia)

Her entrance is cheesy. The power walk? Her commencement is wretched. “Spinning Wheel” is powerhouse. She is outhouse. The dancing is repugnant. Her emotion is annoying. This is not “Showtime at the Apollo.” She should remember that. Paula, dope outfit? You are dopey. Her suspenders and peace earring are comedic. Simon and I concur. Terrible performance.

Kady Malloy (18 – Texas)

Her Britney Spears impression is exemplary. Excellent song selection. Appropriate backdrop. Amazing wardrobe. She is gorgeous. Her emotion is palpable. Her vocals transcend. The smokehouse blues is entrancing. Great performance. Randy and I disagree. Simon is ridiculous. Night of the living dead? She translated as eighty? Stupid, stupid, stupid. God forbid, American Idol advance a beautiful, marketable artist.

Asia’h Epperson (19 – Missouri)

She slightly oversings her opening. However, she is acceptable. The performance is disintegrating. The dancing is ridiculous. The emotion is contrived. She is refined and sculpted. Unfortunately, her performance is teenage. She will advance. However, she must improve.

Ramiele Malubay (20 – Florida)

Intriguing beginning. She is classic and understated. Approachable and articulate. Her performance is entrancing. Her emotion translates. She captures the audience. She transcends the selection. She is this evening’s finest. Simon is correct. She was stellar.

Syesha Mercado (21 - Florida)

Her hair is hideous. Her opening is terrible. Rock guitar? Virtual screaming? Repugnant. She wildly oversings. Her emotion is false. She appears angry and hostile. Paula… joyful? She is painful. She is frightening. She may hurt people.

Carly Smithson (24 – California)

Her commencement is elegant. Her vocals are sultry. Unfortunately, her appearance is grotesque. Her tattoos. Her Elvira face. Her teeth. She would not sell. She is Fantasia: Season Seven. Excellent performance. Excruciating exterior.


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