Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rodriguez Retorts: I’m History, You’re Ridiculous

Rich Rodriguez: “There seems to be a campaign to try to smear me. I haven't said anything until recently, when I felt I needed to defend all the false accusations. It has just gotten ridiculous over the last couple of days. There's so many inaccuracies and falsehood and innuendo, at some point, you get tired of getting beat up. It was that I erased academic files, then the next day, 'Oh no, that didn't happen.' The corrections are on page six and the lead story is on page one. There was an implication that I had all these secret files and I was throwing them away, but it's simply not true. I know there is disappointment and hard feelings because it's a small state and the program is a source of great pride, but this campaign is not helping West Virginia's program. You're trying to hurt Rich Rodriguez, but you're hurting West Virginia. I changed jobs. This is America, and sometimes you change jobs. I would hope that at some point when emotions cool down, that you can see the good things.”


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