Monday, December 17, 2007

Todd Scores Survivor China Million

Survivor is unique. No directions, formula, or instructions exist. Survivor is not direct. Survivor requires awareness, conniving, discretion, judgment, perception, shrewdness, strategy, and tact. They cannot guarantee victory. The absence or inclusion of one can cripple someone.

For immunity, the final four balanced pots. Denise attempted negotiation. Unfortunately, Amanda rebuffed her. Denise faltered. Amanda garnered immunity. Pre-tribal council, Denise continued negotiating. She failed again. Via a 3-1 vote, Denise was eliminated.

During the tri-council, Todd was labeled a schemer. Amanda was labeled manipulative. Courtney was labeled cunning. Thus, the vote was open. Courtesy superior strategy, Todd scored four votes. Courtney received two. Amanda accrued only one.

Overall, this season was exemplary. The casting was superb. The location was stunning. Once again, Survivor stated the obvious. They are one of television’s finest. Concerning next season, I am not thrilled. Survivor Micronesia: Fans vs. Favorites? All-Stars was excellent. However, Survivor’s brilliance is basic. Unknown people inspiring drama. The format has succeeded. This formula should not be altered.


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