Monday, December 17, 2007

Choices Conclude Hills Third Season

Choices are abstract. Choices are individual. Sans context, one cannot judge them. Every choice requires thought. Every choice includes rationale. Each choice is unique. Regretting them is fruitless. Choices are unavoidable. Thus, they defy analysis.

On Monday, Whitney received a work assignment. Paris. What about Lauren? Initially, Lauren was rebuffed. However, work interceded. Planning mandated her presence. Lauren deserved this opportunity. Selecting Jason was stupid. Yet, the aforesaid should not own her. Lauren is conscientious. She is dedicated. She warranted Paris. Jason was a mistake.

Pre-flight, Brody and Lauren enjoyed dinner. They discussed their relationship. Brody broached the “girlfriend” option. Lauren told the truth. The title is not utilitarian. The title reflects pride and satisfaction. Brody and Lauren are a calamity. They should not date. Brody is a player. Yes, he cares. Unfortunately, he is conniving. This does not spell boyfriend.

Heidi and Spencer continued fighting. Spencer departed. Heidi accepted the obvious. She removed her ring. She returned home. The aforesaid was predictable. As previously stated, Heidi and Spencer are a dysfunctional couple. They would be a dysfunctional marriage.

Overall, this season was exemplary. Occasionally, the conflict stagnated. The drama was overhyped. Yet, explosions still materialized. Amidst a writer’s strike, Audrina, Lauren, Heidi, Whitney, Lo, Jen, Brody, Justin, and Spencer provided fascinating television. They remained MTV’s crowned jewel. One of television’s finest.


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