Friday, September 21, 2007

Les Miles: Mouth Momentous, Mind Minute

Les Miles: “I think if you would review your own personal stance at how you report injuries - if it comes out of my mouth you use it. If it doesn't, if you root for your team and if in fact this is your team, then you would choose not to report anything that doesn't come out or described by me. I know that everything is news, but sometimes news doesn't help your team. I would encourage you to see it my way. You should be respectful of the team that you cover.”

Les, you are ridiculous. Reporters are independent. They have no allegiances, alliances, or teams. They are not yours. Reporters disseminate information. Information the public desires. Not information you choose. Obviously, reporters desire winners. However, they should not worship them. They should not respect you. You are not a coach. You are a joke. You are woefully unqualified. This underscores the aforesaid.


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