Friday, September 21, 2007

Nashville Employs Successful Formula

Success breeds success. The aforesaid is not redundant. Occasionally, people embrace success. Often, they forsake success. Why? Novelty. People discard successful formulas. They cuddle the latest means. Never mind, the traditional means triumphs.

On Friday, I viewed FOX’sNashville.” Gary and Julie Auerbach’s (Laguna Beach) creation is watchable. The endeavor contains obnoxious elements. However, Laguna Beach staples salvage. Glossy females, music barrages, and stunted scenery generate a visual banquet.

Casting is acceptable. Mika Combs is adorable. Rachael Bradshaw is conniving. Conversely, Matt Jenkins and Clint Moseley are bland. They are nondescript. Overall, Nashville is not perfect. However, Nashville is viewable. Why? Nashville is enough of Laguna Beach.


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