Friday, July 06, 2007

Yahoo’s Top Ten Summer Date Suggestions

1. Mini-Golf: Challenge her to a game of mini-golf where the winner buys the drinks afterwards.

2. Plan a picnic in the park: Grab a blanket, some wine, some fun little tasting foods, and head to the park.

3. Go to the park during the day, bring a frisbee and test her frisbee skills: This is not only fun, but it gives you something to tease each other about in the future.

4. Drive-In Movie: Most people have never been to a drive-in movie. Most cities either have a drive-in movie theater still operating, or they have a park that actually will play movies on a Thursday night under the stars. This is different, fun, and something they may have never done before.

5. Go to a concert in the park: Once again, this takes a little bit of research. Grab your local paper and see who's playing in the park that evening.

6. Go to a country fair: Nothing is more fun than trying to win her a thirty cent stuffed animal for thirty dollars in quarters! Take turns at the milk bottles. Take turns trying to win a goldfish. Participate in all that the fair has to offer.

7. Go to a rodeo: Most people have never been to a rodeo. But, depending on where you live in the country, in the summer there are often a number of rodeos in town. This will not only be fun, but totally different . . . And once you see the mutton riders (which by the way are little kids who ride sheep), the two of you will definitely laugh! The rodeo always has something funny to talk about.

8. Go for a drive: Take a drive on a Sunday afternoon, check out some of the towns around you, and go exploring together. Not only is this fun, but it gives you lots of things to talk about while you're doing it.

9. Go for a sunset walk: Take advantage of the long days and enjoy a sunset walk. Pick a place in your city with a great view of the sunset and

10. Go to a street fair: Most towns and cities have street fairs with vendors and food. Take the time and walk through the street fair. Try on the funny hat, eat some food on the stick, and have a good time just walking through and commenting on all the interesting things you see together.


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