Tuesday, May 01, 2007

American Idol Live Blog

Phil Stacey (29 – Florida)

Singing with a comb? He had hair? His jacket is killer. His performance is also exceptional. Bon Jovi’s power ballads embody passion. Beautifully, his emotion translates. Exemplary commencement for this evening. Randy, best performance ever? I concur. Simon, five seconds before booing? Please. Audience, boo now.

Jordin Sparks (17 – Arizona)

Your mother was raised on Bon Jovi? You are 17. Were you conceived when she was 10? The guitar is this song’s key. The band has nailed the rift. Her performance is amazing. A girl’s perspective on this song concerned me. However, her emotion is believable. Her passion is extraordinary. Second consecutive exemplary performance. Can we overlay Simon with a boos track? His criticism was ridiculous.

LaKisha Jones (27 – Michigan)

You want the camera capturing your slim side? Trust me, you do not have one. Another skintight ensemble. Will she ever learn? She is obese. Her performance is satisfactory. However, this song selection is terrible. Her face is frightening. No one desires a love song from her. The aforesaid descends this performance. Paula, she provided nothing. Simon, kiss her? You are the lone person. Disgusting mental picture. Horrifying actual picture. (She actually kissed him, yuck).

Blake Lewis (25 – Washington)

Outstanding commencement. I disagree with his song selection. However, his beat box beginning was unique. His bridge is oversung. His gothic appearance is also slightly disturbing. His conclusion is stellar. The beat and playing off the drummer was also inspired. Randy and I concur. Great performance. Simon is correct. Massive risk. Equally gargantuan reward.

Chris Richardson (22 – Virginia)

Epic backdrop. Guitar is also this selection’s key. The band is superb. His beginning is oversung. His second verse is similar. This is a personal favorite. I am thrilled he chose the song. However, his performance is horrific. If he is not eliminated, I will blog stunned. Randy and I disagree. The performance was not nice. Simon is correct, not his style.

Melinda Doolittle (29 – Tennessee)

Superior beginning. His blouse is killer. Her performance is unique, not oversung. As previously stated, Bon Jovi songs are emotion. Exponentially, her emotion translates. This week was littered with great performances. However, she should lead the votes. Randy is correct. The attitude was hot.


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