Friday, April 27, 2007

Mel Kiper: Lord of the Geeks

Saturday and Sunday, geekiness is allowed. Geekiness is encouraged. For eighteen hours, player’s attributes will be discussed. Selection’s values will be debated. Millions will examine charts, statistics, spreadsheets, and videos. We will be NFL Draft geeks. However, our imitation will never equal the icon.

Mel Kiper is our deity. He is Lord of the Geeks. Kiper never played college football. He never played high school football. Simply stated, Kiper developed his own profession. He observed football. He evaluated athletes. He ranked potential selections. He commenced voicing his unbiased opinion. NFL executives detest Kiper. He has been vilified and eviscerated. Yet, he is a millionaire.

Kiper is an American success. He is an entrepreneur. However, he is also the mocked high school genius. The senior who skips the prom. The freshman avoided on date night. As millions dissect Saturday and Sunday, each will dream with respect. They will dream their skills match his. They will respect Mel Kiper, Lord of the Geeks.


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