Friday, February 09, 2007

Survivor Spectacular!

Their twists are subtle. They never obliterate their premise. They never eviscerate their objective. They merely regenerate interest with an ingenious tweak. On Thursday, Survivor debuted with a delicate augmentation. The premiere showcased why the CBS franchise is reality’s finest and amongst television’s best.

The episode commenced with shelter building. The nineteen contestants constructed an elaborate shelter, which included a shower, couch, and sleeping quarters. Following a tribal draft, the factions competed in an immunity\reward challenge. The winners would inhabit the shelter. The losers would inhabit a barren beach.

Akin to Survivor twelve, this season features Exile Island. However, this year’s version is infested with snakes. Overall, Survivor thirteen began complex and shocking. The episode was brilliant. This season should produce countless memorable moments.


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