Friday, February 09, 2007

Acting Champions

They could have trumpeted their success. However, boasting is not them. They could have excoriated their detractors. Yet, they are not vindictive. They could have screamed, taunted, and celebrated publicly. These have never been their actions. Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy are the definition of champions. Champions never have to proclaim their greatness.

On Sunday, Manning and Dungy won their ring. Their victory accentuated their greatness. Their accomplishment blighted their critics. Unfortunately for those chattering, Manning and Dungy never listened. For them, validation and maligning their critics was irrelevant. They were never consumed with doubt. They stood confident in their skill.

Manning is a superior quarterback. Sans a ring, he would have been an NFL legend. Those who chided him as a loser were uninformed. Yet, Manning never heard their analysis. He never answered their platitudes. He merely competed every snap. He could have become bitter and arrogant. Instead, his critical ignorance, allowed him to represent the NFL.

Dungy’s victory was historical. He could have chastised poor minority hiring. He could have asserted leadership in the African-American community. Humbly, he praised his predecessors and ignored his merits. Additionally, he could have condemned Tampa Bay. He knew he could win. However, why should one say this, when they know?

Manning and Dungy are American examples. They are also better than I. The vast majority of us would have stormed the stage. We would have decreed our brilliance. Fortunately, Manning and Dungy acted exemplary. Their speech and manner was a model for both the NFL and our self absorbed nation.


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