Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Vista Reaction


So what do you get when you take the plunge? A whole grab bag of stuff, certainly too much to cover in one review. I've been using a beta version for several weeks (loading Vista on my recent Dell computer, which is just around the baseline for Areo graphics, took a couple of hours, with no hitches). With the exception of a few glitches—Vista hasn't warmed to the presence of the Google desktop on my machine—I'm generally pleased. It may not have rocked my world, but it certainly makes using Windows more enjoyable.

Science & Techology:

Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft called Vista the most important release of its dominant operating system since Windows 95 more than a decade ago, when shoppers waited for hours to be among the first to run the new software. Consumer fanfare of that magnitude seems unlikely since Vista is not the dramatic leap in technology of past releases, but the new Windows could ultimately be just as successful.

Wired Blog:

At this point there isn’t much I can tell you about Windows Vista that you probably haven’t already heard, so consider this entirely subjective, but I really like Vista. I installed Vista through Apple’s Bootcamp in order to test Office 2007 and have since converted that installation to a Parallels-based virtual machine.


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