Monday, January 29, 2007

Predictably Unavoidable Viewing

On Sunday, Tiger Woods won. Overall, the victory was his seventh consecutive and third straight Buick Invitational. He erased a two stroke victory for this triumph. Was this conquest a comeback? When Woods’ name resides on the leaderboard, there are no comebacks. There are only inevitable victories.

Woods is legend personified. He is grand, remarkable, and majestic. Those are merely the initial adjectives. Woods is also exciting. Everyone knew Sunday’s result. The trailing margin, course conditions, and leader’s names were irrelevant. Everyone knew Woods would win. Yet, we were watching. Woods is not boring. He is dominant. Dominance invites viewing.

Woods is untouchable. He has no equal. He has no rival. His competitors are only challenging for second. Yet, we watch. We have to watch. When someone is this spectacular, no one wants to hear his legend made.


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