Tuesday, April 28, 2009

American Idol Live Blog

Due to a prior commitment, I missed last week. I sincerely apologize.

Kris Allen (23 – Arkansas)

The cocktail lighting is exquisite. The suit is an appropriate choice. He epitomizes the theme. His performance is excellent. He does not oversing. He does not exude cheesiness. He is elegant and refined. He will easily advance.

Allison Iraheta (16 – California)

Her commencement is graceful. Her washrag dress is gruesome. This is this season’s predicament. Marginal talent. Mediocre appearance. Her performance improves throughout. She never oversings. For once, her emotion is natural. She should also advance.

Matt Giraud (23 – Michigan)

Brody Jenner phoned. He requested his poseur mannerisms. The facial expressions are awkward. The hat is contemptible. The entire vibe is manufactured. His performance is acceptable. His vocals are superb. Unfortunately, the mood ruins the moment. He is endangered.

Danny Gokey (28 – Missouri)

His commencement is sterling. His emotion transcends the selection. His emotion is palpable. His appearance remains ridiculous. American Idol should not advance a geek. Unfortunately, the geek is stellar. He will advance again. However, he should not win. His victory will conclude this program.

Adam Lambert (26 – California)

His commencement and entrance are intriguing. The lighted staircase is mesmerizing. The white suit is stunning. His performance is exemplary. He slightly oversings. His black makeup is scary. American Gothic Idol? With that stated, he is exemplary. He is tomorrow’s conversation.


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