Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cyclists, USOC: The Masks Were A Mistake

Michael Friedman, Sarah Hammer, Bobby Lea, and Jennie Reed: “The wearing of protective masks upon our arrival into Beijing was strictly a precautionary measure we as athletes chose to take, and was in no way meant to serve as an environmental or political statement. We deeply regret the nature of our choices. Our decision was not intended to insult BOCOG or countless others who have put forth a tremendous amount of effort to improve the air quality in Beijing.”

United States Olympic Committee CEO Jim Scherr: “Those athletes regret that action and have written an apology to BOCOG on their own behalf. They now realize and understand how their actions were perceived by the host nation and by the organizing committee. I understand that about 200 of our athletes received those masks through the national governing body, not directly from the U.S. Olympic Committee. Hopefully they won't have to use them.”


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