Thursday, December 13, 2007

Yahoo: Christmas Party Dating Tips

1. DO be impressed by the object of your affection. Rather than trying to impress him or her with all your stats. People notice when you notice them. No need to ask 20 questions, but do ask a few open-ended and specific questions (rather than 'yes'/'no' questions), make eye contact and listen. Curiosity is a very attractive quality and a simple way to engage your audience.

2. DO find common ground. What brought you to the party? Chances are you know some people in common in the room. This will help you build connection and trust. When asking the object of your interest questions, figure out some activities, hobbies, or experiences you've shared.

3. DO hang out by the food and drink table when you don't know who to talk to. Ever notice how people congregate in the kitchen at many house parties? Many people approach this area on their own to refill their cups and grab a bite, and it will be easier to start a conversation when they've stepped away from the other guests. Offer to get a drink for the object of your affection and if he or she is standing with a friend, extend the invitation.

4. DO see every person you meet as a potential connection. Stay open. Sometimes the people you know the least will help you the most. If you chat with someone interesting who is not single, he or she may know someone to introduce you to. Also, do not assume that the shy person in the corner at a party is boring. Take the opportunity to learn about people in the room before you decide if you are interested or not.

5. DO initiate conversation. The general rule of networking is to approach someone who is standing on his or her own or join a conversation with three or more people. In general, it's not a great idea to interrupt two people talking unless you know one. When approaching someone new, always remember to smile.


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