Monday, December 10, 2007

As Hills Concludes, Clashes Escalate

Confrontation is unwelcome. Confrontation is disruptive, divisive, and repugnant. Unfortunately, confrontation is constant. Confrontation occurs daily. Amidst every venue, every conversation and situation is a potential confrontation.

On November 26, Brody, Lauren, Justin, Audrina, and Frankie enjoyed drinks. Justin kissed another woman. Audrina witnessed the cheating. They argued. He begged. She cried. She concluded their relationship. I applaud Audrina. Justin is a letch. He is vile. Audrina is gorgeous. She never should have dated him.

Prior to the kiss, Stephanie Pratt (Spencer’s sister) confronted Lauren. Stephanie condemned Lauren’s attitude. Brody excoriated Stephanie. Simply stated, Spencer’s sister is nauseating. She is pathetic. Her outrage was unnecessary.

On December 3, Heidi and Stephanie discussed wedding postponement. Naturally, Stephanie told Spencer. Spencer confronted Heidi. They clashed. Heidi criticized Spencer. He stormed away. This was predictable. As previously stated, Heidi and Spencer are a dysfunctional couple. They would be a dysfunctional couple.

Brody and Lauren enjoyed dinner. They considered a relationship. Sadly, Lauren requested Brody’s phone. A phone which included Alex, Aubrey, and Britney Canada whore. Once again, Brody and Lauren are great friends. However, they should not date.


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