Monday, November 12, 2007

527 Supports McCain… McCain Recoils, Romney Slimes

Senator John McCain: “Anyone who believes they could assist my campaign by exploiting a loophole in campaign finance laws is doing me and our country a disservice. I ask all of my donors and supporters, including Mr. Reed, to cease and desist immediately from supporting any independent expenditures that might be construed as benefiting my campaign indirectly. If you respect me or my principles, I urge you to refrain from using my name and image in any ads or other activities.”

Governor Mitt Romney: “It is an entire end-run on any effort to control campaign spending and offer transparency.”

McCain Adviser Mark Salter: “Mitt Romney once promised not to self-fund his campaign, and ever since has been busy robbing his kids' inheritance to do just that. If hypocrisy were an Olympic sport, Mitt Romney would be a multiple gold medal winner.”


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