Wednesday, September 05, 2007

LA’s Triangle: Friends, Enemies, & Relationships

Los Angeles is bipolar. The scenes are sunned and spectacular. They are glittering and gorgeous. They cannot induce pain. The people are mean and malicious. They are vicious and vindictive. Their demeanor is inviting. Yet, they are intrinsically evil. Allegedly, Los Angeles is the city of angels. Truthfully, Los Angeles is a city of facades.

Brody and Lauren are friends. Upon hearing this, Spencer became enraged. He excoriated Brody. According to Spencer, friends should not coddle friend’s enemies. Spencer is correct. Friends and enemies mingling is awkward. With that stated, Spencer is an eight year old. His brooding and immaturity was revolting.

Brody and Lauren attended Les Deux and Roosevelt Pool. They are adorable. Spencer should not run their lives. However, Lauren is overly trusting. She should be wary of Kristin’s sloppy seconds.

Audrina and Justin discussed their relationship. Evidently, Justin abhors labels. He decried commitment as a societal norm. Justin-Bobby, you are not Kurt Cobain’s reincarnation. You are not existential. You are revolting. Avoiding labels has one motivation… Anonymous random hookups.


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