Wednesday, March 07, 2007

American Idol Live Blog

Jordin Sparks (17 – Arizona)

Delightful introductory video. Arizona State, great party school. Her jeans are incredibly unflattering. I believe her hip size has tripled. Acceptable performance. Pat Benatar is a grueling standard. She was satisfactory.

Sabrina Sloan (27 – California)

Outstanding song selection. Her appearance is flawless. Her bridge is excellent. Overall, her performance is incredible. Randy says a good performance? Obviously, the dog is stoned. Simon and Randy concur? I vehemently disagree. She was remarkable. Judges say top twelve. I agree.

Antonella Barba (20 – New Jersey)

America loves a stripper. Corinne Bailey Raye phoned. She demanded Antonella cease butchering her song. This performance is ghastly. Barba oversings the selection. Additionally, her emotion is false. America, restart her soft porn career. Simon and Antonella in cat fight. Simon wins. She is sans talent.

Haley Scarnato (24 - Texas)

Her appearance is perfect. Red is her color. The performance is respectable. The song is annoying. However, she is an unpolished gem. If justice exists, she will advance. Randy not jumping up and down? The stage would disintegrate. Simon says horrible? America, you choose… a horrible cupcake or Lakisha, who could block in the NFL?

Stephanie Edwards (19 - Georgia)

Second consecutive annoying selection. Her ensemble is also hideous. Screaming does not approve the performance. The song is oversung and pedestrian. America, your second elimination. Paula and Simon? Obviously, you two are sharing a brain. Please purchase one which works.

LaKisha Jones (27 – Michigan)

Ryan Seacrest covets fatties. Who knew? Additionally, she fears animals. Relax, they fear you also. The performance is horrific. Her emotion is contrived. The song is oversung. She will advance. Based solely on her dress, she should not. Simon says passion and talent? Simon says beautiful? She is morbidly obese and her dress has been painted on her body. She is a heart attack, not an idol.

Gina Glocksen (22 – Illinois)

Her ensemble is repugnant. Her rock endeavor is unbelievable. The dancing is terrible. The singing is worse. Simply stated, the evening’s nastiest performance. Simon and I disagree. America, consider elimination. She wears these clothes in her residence? Can she return there?

Melinda Doolittle (29 – Tennessee)

The mock camouflage is intriguing. This performance is proficient. While Lakisha was a false diva, Melinda is believable. Her emotion translates. She should easily advance.


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